Groove & Swing Fellowship
JCSU Basketball Game

On Saturday, January 21, 2023, Charlotte area Grooves and Swings fellow-shipped and watched JCSU defeat Livingstone College.

JCSU's Homecoming 2022

October 22, 2022 was the date of JCSU’s Homecoming celebration. Groove, in our usual tradition, set-up a tent and provided refreshment and fellowship to Grooves and sisters of Swing!

Groove Phi Groove "Smoker"

On October 12, 2022, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Groove Phi Groove will conduct a “Smoker” for men interested in Groove (i.e., MIGs). Click here to complete a Contact Us form (… we value your privacy; none of the information provided will be given or sold to 3rd-party or marketing firm!).

JCSU's Cookout

April 9, 2022, JCSU conducted a Cookout where all organizations would conduct a cookout at their JCSU Plot. Brothers of Groove Phi Groove and Sisters of Swing Phi Swing were represented!

JCSU's Open House

March 12, 2022 JCSU held its Spring Open House. Due to the expected bad weather, the location of the event was moved from “On the Block” to the gymnasium. Click the “Open House” button below to see photos from the event.

JCSU's "Groove Plot"

Congratulations to Groove Phi Groove brothers who graduated from Johnson C. Smith University on the re-establishment of the Groove Phi Groove Plot.

Want information?

Do you want information on Groove Phi Groove, or want to get in contact with members of the Charlotte Graduate Chapter? Click here to complete a short form and a brother of Groove Phi Groove will answer your question and/or provide you the information you requested.